Page 14 - Code of ethics and conduct
P. 14

Public financing

                  SERECO SRL cannot benefit from any relationship with the Public Administration, except through
                  the lawful establishment of contractual relationships, lawfully obtained provisions and / or
                  disbursements of any nature, duly obtained and intended for the purposes for which they are

                  In particular, the Recipients are required to adopt behavior aimed at avoiding:

                  →  the undue receipt, by the Entity, of contributions and loans, or other
                     disbursements of the same type in any way named, granted or granted

                     by Public Entities, through the use or presentation of false or false documents,
                     or by the omission of due information, or by means of artifice and deception;

                  →  the allocation of grants, loans or other disbursements of the same type
                     in any denominated manner obtained by the Company, for purposes
                     other than those for which they are granted.

                  Gifts and other benefits

                  In relations with political institutions, the Public Administration
                  and, in general, with third parties, recipients will not have to
                  promise, accept or offer gifts and benefits (both direct and
                  indirect) that have quality or value exceeding normal practices,
                  local uses and the ordinary courtesy or, in any case, that they
                  are aimed at acquiring favorable treatment, or other undue
                  advantages, with reference to the activities of SERECO SRL.

                  If gifts, benefits or acts of courtesy or hospitality are offered
                  or promised to the recipients, they must inform without
                  delay the competent corporate bodies that will decide on the
                  admissibility of what is offered or promised. The recipients will
                  not have to offer or promise - and if requested in this sense
                  they must without delay communicate the circumstance
                  to the competent corporate bodies - to political institutions,
                  Public Administrations and, in general, to third parties, gifts,
                  benefits (both direct and indirect) and acts of courtesy or
                  hospitality that exceed the limits, or have the characteristics
                  indicated above.

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